Friday, October 28, 2011

The Yeosu Declaration

Here we introduce the Yeosu Declaration which represents the legacy of Yeosu Expo.
The Yeosu Declaration calls for cooperation among the international community in marine environment conservation efforts worldwide.


Oceans and coasts are not only the origin of life on Earth, but also a rich repository of biological diversity and a foundation for human survival. However, indiscriminate development and exploitation of these resources such as discharge of pollutants into the ocean, over-fishing and damages of coral reefs pose significant threats and stress to the marine environment, calling for needs to formulate ways to protect them.
The Yeosu Declaration, pursued as part of the legacy of the Yeosu Expo is intended not only to enhance the awareness of dangers faced by the sea but also to promote the necessity of international cooperation for turning these challenges into hopes for the future. The year 2012 is a significant year in terms of human efforts to pursue sustainable development. It is the 40th anniversary of the Stockholm Declaration, the 30th anniversary of the Nairobi Declaration, the 20th anniversary of the Rio Declaration and the 10th anniversary of the Johannesburg Declaration. In this respect, the Yeosu Declaration will celebrate humanity’s efforts to find sustainable ways to develop the ocean, and create an international consensus in support of the Expo’s theme, “The Living Ocean and Coast.”

Action Plans for 2011-2012
As an international manifesto, the Yeosu Declaration will be jointly developed in consultation with marine experts from home and abroad, including those from international organizations. The draft created in 2010 will be elaborated and reviewed by an international panel of experts from various fields. In year leading up to the Expo, the Yeosu Declaration will be presented at various forums and symposiums of international organizations, to raise its visibility and build a consensus in the international community in support of the content of the document.

Key Content
Understanding of the value of the seas and coasts
Restoration of the marine ecosystem and biological resources that are being damaged
Sustainable use and preservation of the marine environment and resources
Promotion of knowledge- and fact-based understanding about climate change
Green growth based on the use of marine resources
Participation of citizens in pursuing marine cooperation
International cooperation to use seas as a space for co-existence of humankind


The Essence of the Yeosu Declaration
The ocean is essential to the well-being of all humanity and it should be taken care of for present and future generations.
The ocean, as repository of diverse resources, provides a foundation for human civilization and survival.
The ocean is faced with significant threats of degraded ecosystems, calling for concerted global efforts to minimize and reverse the damage brought upon the ocean ecosystem.Education and capacity building on the responsible use of the marine resources are critical for marine conservation and development.
Extreme weather events resulting from climate change pose significant challenges to our civilization, demanding augmented scientific data and knowledge.
Understanding of the ocean, as well as voluntary contributions and actions by the general public are indispensable for sustainable marine stewardship.
The ocean is a new driver of economic growth, i.e., the ”Blue Economy” will foster a governance architecture for the development of future green growth technology.
The ocean is ”One Ocean,” a space for peace, cooperation, and prosperity of humankind.
Best efforts are needed to promote maritime cultures for educating the public to develop the ocean sustainably for the benefit of future generations.
Domestic and international efforts should be undertaken to place increased emphasis on overseas development assistance.

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